
অক্টোবর, ২০১৭ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

Marijuana Effect Part-03

Symptoms of Marijuana Addicted:-    More than ten syndrome have to eat Marijuana. Here we give below five reason :- Loud talking and bursts of laughter in early stages of intoxication .  Drowsiness or stupor in later stages of intoxication .  Chronic redness of the eye . Forgetfulness in conversation .  Odor similar to burning rope or cloth or breath . Immediate Effects :  Immediate physical effects of Marijuana are elevated heart and pulse rates bloodshot eyes and a dry mouth and throat.... . Marijuana Addicted Heart and Pulse Long-Term Effects:- Here we discuss five long term effects ..Given that below :- Addicted Female Impaired Speech Loss of Memory Irregular Sleep habits Lack of body Coordiation Blurred vision and Impaired visual perception Decrease sexual energy both Male and Female . So we are Avoid this Marijuana or Combined anything Good  Bye   

Marijuana Effect Part-02

About Marijuana :     Marijuana is the common name for a Crude drug made from the plant Cannabis Sativa.The main mind altering ingredient in Marijuana is Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. More than 400 chemicals are available in Marijuana. Cigarette or joint are made by dried Marijuana plant.Today found Marijuana are more than ten times strong early 1970s.  Marijuana Plant  Hashish is combined form of Marijuana which made by taking resion of flower and leaves of the Marijuana plant.Hash oil may contain up to 50 percent Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ). When Marijuana is smoked it travel in the lungs , the smoke passes through the Bronchi and into the alveoli where the THC passes into the bloodstream .  THC is then absorbed especially fat cells and organ such as the brain . About 10-30 minutes need for high approximately. Its lasting more than 2 hours.

Marijuana Effect Part-01

Producer Details about Marijuana Geographic Area :       Central and South [ Asia ] Main Producer    :      Afghanistan , Canada , China , India , Colombia , Jamaica , Lebanon ,                                    Morocco,  Netherlands , Pakistan , Paraguay , Spain , Thailand , Turkey , U.S.A . Classification     :           Depressant , Hallucinogen Slag Name         :           Dope , Weed , Herb , Grass , Pot, Hashish , Hash Method of Use   :        Smoking ,Eating, and Intravenous Injection Dependence Potential : Phychologically Addictive  MARIJUANA PLANT