
আগস্ট, ২০১৮ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

Pensedyl Effects part-02

P armacology:- phenothiazine derivative P romethiazine, a phenothiazine derivative is structurally different from the neuroleptic phenothiazines with similar but different effects. Another notable use of promthazine is as a local anesthetic by blockade of sodium channels. Chemistry:- promethiazine hydrochloride Solid promethiazine hydrochloride is a white to faint yellow, odorless, crystalline power. Its hydrochloride salt is freely soluble in water and somewhat soluble in Alcohol. Chemical and Pharma Co-kinetic Data:- Formula                     :- C17H20N2S Molar Mass               :- 284.42 g/mol Bio availability         :- 88% absorbed but after 1st pass metabolism                                        reduced to 25% absolute bio ava...

Phensedyl Effects Part-01

Phensedy l is usually produced from Promethazine . It is a 1st generation antihistamine of the phenothiazine family. The drug has strong tranquilizer and weak antipsyhotic effects. It also used some countries it is prescribed for insomnia when benzodiazepines  are contraindicated. It also developed in the mid 1940s.  Promethazine  Medical Uses:- P romethazine has a variety of medical uses. Including :- 1. As a tranquilizer. 2. Together with codeine or dextromethrophan against Cough. 3. Reducing nervousness, restlessness, and agitation. 4.To combat moderate to severe morning sickness and hyperemesis     gravidarum: In the UK, It is 1st Choice for this problem. 5. Another drug with promethazine is a greater experience of use in     pregnancy. 6. Use for migraines. 7. Also as a Motion sickness amends. Side Effects:- P romethazine has a various side effects. Including:- 1. Tardive Dyskinesia 2. Constipation ...