
ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৭ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

Smoking Part 02

Until 1954, British doctor's are restrict about tobacco  study by Govt. laws. Then 1964 US surgeon's general's report. Nowadays a cigarette is small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in this paper of smoking . Now modern manufactured cigarette are filtered, also contain other additives chemicals . Nicotine are very common psychoactive chemicals in cigarette .For those reason cigarette are very addictive . Almost half of smoker die in every years for Tobacco related disease and they lose more 14 years old. Rate of smoker are changed in whole world . But this very thinking factor that , when developed nation's try to decreased cigarette in their country, While developing nation's to continue rise this rate.  Ingredients of Cigarette: Tobacco Blend 1) Tobacco Blend 2)Filtering 3)Wrapping Paper  4) Other Chemicals Economica l zone in Cigarette: Economical chart for TObacco More than 98 Billion Dollars are generate Tobacco industry ...

Smoking Part 01

History Smoking :- The history of smoking dates back to as early as 4000 BC in the Americas in shamanistic rituals. When 16th century Europeans coming in America's. They cultivation and trading Tobacco are quick spread . After modernization Tobacco change those name and Called it Cigarette . Use of scientific method it quickly expanded the scope of consumption , Which grew until scientific controversies  of the 1960S . Smoking is injurious for all Previously they eaten it for medical properties Opium smoking became widespread during 19th century from British trade with China. It quickly spread whole world during first world war and cultural revolution in China.In the year of 1920S , it seriously affected human life style in whole world.In 1929 Fritz of Dresden, Germany published  a statics about smoking. He find out Tobacco and Lung cancer are related with each other. This statics play great role about Anti-Smoking in Nazi Germany.