Smoking Part 02
Until 1954, British doctor's are restrict about tobacco study by Govt. laws. Then 1964 US surgeon's general's report. Nowadays a cigarette is small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in this paper of smoking . Now modern manufactured cigarette are filtered, also contain other additives chemicals . Nicotine are very common psychoactive chemicals in cigarette .For those reason cigarette are very addictive . Almost half of smoker die in every years for Tobacco related disease and they lose more 14 years old. Rate of smoker are changed in whole world . But this very thinking factor that , when developed nation's try to decreased cigarette in their country, While developing nation's to continue rise this rate. Ingredients of Cigarette: Tobacco Blend 1) Tobacco Blend 2)Filtering 3)Wrapping Paper 4) Other Chemicals Economica l zone in Cigarette: Economical chart for TObacco More than 98 Billion Dollars are generate Tobacco industry ...